Standard Bank - BOL to Wallet

Hastings Jimani

Hastings Jimani

President Lazarus Chakwera says his government is committed to construct and rehabilitate the infrastructure that was damaged in the March 2023 Tropical Cyclone Freddy disaster.

Until the 1980s, chambo fish was among the top prides of Malawi. Tourists could not afford to leave the country without tasting the delicious chambo. But alas! The fish declined in numbers and there are many reasons for this. Illegal fishing is one of them.

People have been catching fish without following the fisheries laws and regulations and enforcement of the law has been a serious problem.

Threatened with the depleting numbers of chambo in the lake, the Department of Fisheries under the Ministry of Agriculture facilitated the establishment of local fisheries conservation structures called Beach Village Committees (BVCs) along Lake Malawi.

As part of the International Women's Day commemoration, two organizations - Women Lawyers Association in Malawi and the Advancing Girls Education (AGE) in Africa - at the weekend conducted what they called "gender justice clinics" in some secondary schools in Mulanje district.

An international organization that promotes education of a girl child, Advancing Girls Education (AGE) Africa, has challenged school going girls to be advocates of environmental conservation in their communities.

Friends of Mulanje Orphans (FOMO) Football Club are through to the finals of the Thumbs Up Southern Region Football Association (SRFA) league after beating FCB Nyasa Big Bullets reserve 2-0 on aggregate.

Two months after securing a K48 million funding from Cultural Emergency Response (CER) of Netherlands, the lhomwe cultural grouping, Mulhako wa Alhomwe has started planting trees at Chonde, in Mulanje district.

Sapitwa B girls Rugby Team on Saturday won the Africathletics under 14 rugby 7 tournament held at Mulanje Golf Club.

Commissioner of Police for South East Police Region Chikondi Chingadza says Tropical Cyclone Freddy which hit hard the region affected their operations and she has undoubtedly said this has contributed to crime increase in the region.

Two Mental Health Campaigners; Support Comprehensive Care and Empowerment for people with Psychosocial Disability (SUCCEED) and the Mental Health Users and Carers Association (MeHUCA) have called for continued support towards the economic empowerment of mental health patients.

Authorities at Mulanje District Council have disclosed that reducing HIV prevalence rate from 21 to 8% is a remarkable achievement.

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